
Thursday, May 12, 2016

I view fashion as a way to express myself. What I wear is the representation of the feelings and emotion I have in my mind, at the moment.

If you see me wearing T-shirt and shorts, or T-shirts and jeans, it means I'm feeling relaxed. No worries whatsoever.

If you see me wearing dress or skirts, it means I'm feeling fancy, or I just don't feel comfortable wearing trousers for the day.

The clothes I wear represent myself; my identity.

But when the one thing you use to identify yourself with is seen as something inappropriate by others, what would you do?


"The skirt you wear is too short. You should wear longer skirts or wear it with thighs."

"Okay, I'm sorry. I'll never wear it again, then."


"Your skirt is too short."

"But it matches the requirements. Below the knee, right?"

"But the back of your knees are shown when you bend over. And now you're one of us, your way of dressing is.. deemed inappropriate."

"... okay.."


How far is far enough, and how close is close enough?

If my skirt is short, will it be also short for you?

If my skirt is long, will it be also long for you?


(And if I show you some of my skin, will you jump on me, too?

And if I bend over in front of you, will you deem it inappropriate, too?)


(Poor skirt. It knows nothing yet becomeS something.)