I hate ---

Saturday, December 8, 2012

I hate whiny people.

Could you please please pleaseeeee stop whining? There are other people in this world who couldn't get what you have right now. They will give everything they have to be in your shoes. Eventhough it seems trivial to you, it could have the same value as diamond in their eyes. What might be a garbage to you, might be a treasure to them.

I hate liars.

Although it might be harsh to say the right thing, it is still better than saying lies. It might seem simple,  but once you lie, you can't stop. Another lie is needed to cover up another lies. It's a never ending cycle.

I hate snobs.

No matter from what background you come from, you are not any better than other humans. All humans are the same.

I hate people who is afraid of making mistakes.

You learn by making mistakes. Perfection is a good thing, but not the best thing. Don't be afraid. Flaws are the one that makes us humans.


I might or might not have one of those attitudes. Meh.