Kim Jaejoong 1st Fanmeeting in Jakarta

Sunday, November 4, 2012

OK, so before I write this post, I want to say sorry for abandoning my blog for a long time. It's just life was pretty hectic and I don't feel like writing at all. So, yeah...

Anyway, here I am posting about something. Well, I don't know whether you will like this post or not, but who cares, HAH!

I want to talk about my experience meeting (and touching his hand omg) with the one and only KIM JAEJOONG

Kim Jaejoong. So handsome!

If anyone of you wondering who the hell is Kim Jaejoong, please refer to this Wikipedia page ('cause I'm too lazy lol).

So about one and half month ago C-Jes made an official statement that Jae (it's my nickname for him, and so do the other fans call him) would hold a fanmeeting tour, and Indonesia was on the list. I thought,"I MUST COME!" and informed my other friends (friend here means other fangirls hehe) to commence the plan. But sadly two of them couldn't come, so I was left with my other friend to attend the fanmeeting. I was planning to buy the Puppy Class ticket, but my other friend decided to joined in last minute, but she could only afford the cheapest one. She wouldn't go if there was no one accompanying her in the same class, so I decided to accompany her. So in the end I bought the Dolphin Class ticket (and used the remaining money to buy a new pair of Converse sneakers ha!). 

At first we thought the seat number would be determined based on the redeem time, therefore me and my friends decided to exchange the ticket voucher one day before the fanmeeting in hope to get a closer seat to the stage. But it turned out the seat number was determined by the purchase time, so yeah, we came for nothing haha. Oh well, at least we didn't have to get in a long line to redeem the voucher with the ticket at the day of the fanmeet (you know how Indonesian's mind works; if you could do it later, why do it now? lol).

(Oh, and when I was redeeming the voucher there was this girl who seemed to go to the fanmeet too, and she smiled at me and my friend. I smiled back and didn't give it any thoughts. Turned out the girl sat besides me and my friend Saras at the fanmeet, and then we were like "Hey, you were the girl I met yesterday!!" and exchanged Twitter yeah~ Her name is Dhita, by the way, and she was five years younger than me. Suddenly Saras and I felt very old lol.)

And then came the day of the fanmeeting.

I knew from Twitter that he had a very bad cold just before he went to Indonesia, but I never knew the cold was THAT bad when I saw him.

He was extremely pale. No smile on his face when he came out to the stage. 

I was a little disappointed at first, but then the MC explained that actually he had a high fever at the time, and he couldn't even talk or make any sounds. And then came the heartfelt hand-written letter from him. After that I was like "OH MY POOR JAE JUST GO BACK TO KOREA AND TAKE A REST!" mode lol.

Because of his cold, he used iPad to communicate with the fans. Thanks to the MC, he smiled quite a lot last night (Thank you Ichsan Akbar! I know you could make Jae smile!).

And as an apology from Jae because he couldn't sing and play games with the fans, he decided to held a photo session and high-five session with ALL FANS. 

I couldn't be any happier.

At first I was cool, my friends were like that too. But when we were nearing the stage, our hand became clammy. Even Dhita started crying. Saras was like "I wanna go home now! I can't stand being this close to Jaejoong!". Me? Acted cool and was calming down my friends, but inside I was like "OH MY GOD JAE IS RIGHT IN FRONT OF ME AND I WILL TOUCH HIS HAND ASHFADAGJGDK".

And then came our turn. 

I couldn't say a word. When I saw him up-close, he was sooooooooooo handsome, even more handsome in real life! And his skin was just soooooooooooo white and looked so soft. My self-esteem as a woman dropped instantly when I saw Jae lol. Oh, and as expected, he was tall. My height only reached his shoulder, or even lower than that. 

When I high-five with Jae, he looked so tired, so I was more like just touching his hand. I wanted to say something in Japanese, like "インドネシアに来てくれて本当にありがとうごさいます!" (Thank you very much  for coming to Indonesia!) or "いつも応援してますよ!" (I will always support you!) but seeing his condition, I ended up saying "お大事に。" (Take care of yourself.)

I wonder if he noticed that...
(He did smile and nod at me but who knows~)

Anyway, although I couldn't see him performing live, but seeing his dedication to his fans really makes me proud to be a fan of Kim Jaejoong. 

I hope someday I will see him performing live with the other members. 

In the end, thank you for coming to Indonesia and meeting your fans, Kim Jaejoong! 

Bonus picture! Jae with his Russian Blue cat Jiji~