I Will Graduate (Hopefully) Soon!

Saturday, June 22, 2013


It's been a long time since the last time I've updated my blog *get bricked*. Life's been pretty hectic these past few months, that's why I didn't have much time to post anything here (it's so cliche I know OTL).

Anyway, I just want to say that one of many reasons I didn't post anything is because I'm busy writing my graduate thesis. Not to mention some papers for my final exam. So, yeah, I've been drowning myself with books these past few weeks. 

I love you...not really :p
 Oh God, why did I choose semantic as the theme for my thesis? *burn all the books*

If there are no obstacles then (hopefully) I will graduate next month. The graduation ceremony will be held on August. Until then, I'm still struggling to finish my thesis OTL

Oh, next month on the 7th I'm going to take Japanese Proficiency Test Level 1, and I haven't study up until NOW OTL

Oh well, if I fail, I could still try on December lol

This will be it for now. I'll try to post other things as often as I can (maybe a beauty product review, or anything... lol). Thank you for reading and bye! :)