I'm back again after months of not posting anything. Real life been hectic these past few months. Quick recap for those of you who might be interested: I graduate, I got a job at a Japanese bank (just like I want), but after two months I quit LOL. So many things happened and after a long, deep thought, turned out that it wasn't what I like, or wanted to do. So yeah, I dumped my first job while some of my friends out there still jobless. What an ungrateful child I am, huh?
Anyway, let's save the ramblings and the story for later (or maybe another post?). Now I want to share about another hair dyeing product. This time it's Schwarzkopf Fresh Light Foam Color in Ash.
Oh, before that, I just want to say sorry for the crappy quality of the photos provided. So here it is:
Schwarzkopf Fresh Light Foam Color in Ash |
I've been wanting to try this product and when there's a chance, I immediately bought it! Oh, remember the crap I told you on previous post about wanting to dye my hair in neutral color because I want to work in a Japanese company? Well, when I got my first job in that particular place, turned out you were allowed to color your hair so after two weeks of working, I dyed my hair immediately.
So yeah, I bought it and now let's move to the unboxing part!
Items inside the box:
From left to right: Instruction sheets, After color conditioner, Hair color, Cream developer + bottle, Nozzle/pump, Gloves |
Just like any other hair dyeing products, you have to mix the hair color and the cream developer until it's finely incorporated and then you can apply it to your hair.
Oh, and here's what interesting from this product: the box acts as a standing tool to stable the bottle, and also to keep your table/any surface clean from the product!
So there's a circle-shaped line that you can cut in the side of the box. You cut/tear off according to that line, and then you can put your bottle inside the box/slash/standee.
To make it short and simple, here's the step-by-step to mix the product:
Cut the line in the side of the box so it become like this.. |
...and you put the bottle there... |
...and pour the hair color in to the bottle... |
... mix it well... |
...shake it in a left-right motion for about a minute (or in my case, until I feel it's enough)... |
...put it again in the box/slash/standee... |
... and there, you have it! Pump it and apply it to your hair! |
The consistency of the mix is pretty consistent. I mean, although I spent about 40 minutes to apply it on to my hair, the mix is still in a foamy-texture and didn't become runny. Maybe because it's using pump, so the consistency is consistent (just ignore it, it's my theory after all).
And because it's in a pump bottle, it's easier to get the mixture out of the bottle. You don't have to scoop it or reaching to the bottom of the bottle to get it.
Another thing to note is although the contents are quite small, the product itself could cover long hair decently. My hair when I used this product was short, like just below my ear, and you can imagine me crying in front of the sink when I had to put out the rest of the products. It was such a waste, really. So for all of you who have short hair but want to try this product, make sure you have a friend to share it with, or prepare your heart to toss away the rest of the product, just like me.
After you finished applying it to your hair, just leave it for 30-40 minutes. After that just rinse your hair with warm water until all the product is cleansed from your hair, and then put the after color conditioner. Oh, the after color conditioner that came from Schwarzkopf was not a leave-on conditioner, so make sure to rinse your hair after you put the conditioner.
Now is the time to reveal the result, right? Unfortunately, just like previous post, I happen to not have the photos LOL. So, yeah, wait a little bit, okay? :)
Until next time!